The joy that plants can bring to your home far outweighs the effort you need to put in whilst caring for them. From the anticipation and excitement of your new plant delivery through to watching it grow day-by-day can be immensely satisfying, factors that can contribute directly to positively boosting your wellbeing. We’re not suggesting for one minute that you need to talk to your new addition (completely optional) but welcoming a healthy green plant or two into your home can help to create a calming environment, at one with nature. And through caring for your plant(s) you will be taking well-deserved time out to focus and nurture your new addition, which in turn can help you alleviate stress. All of our string varieties have wellbeing-boosting properties, but the String of Hearts especially with its oodles of heart-shaped pinkish leaves on trailing vines is simply a joy to behold. Why not kick-start your new plant collection today and grow your wellbeing.

Grow your wellbeing
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